Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mandatory Minimums

Many people are going to jail up to 65 years for selling drugs because of the change on mandatory minimums. The issue of mandatory minimums is a very sensitive subject because a lot of people are in jail for up to sixty-five years for crimes that only require five to ten years. This is personal because if this was me or somebody close to me, I would want them to be let out after a certain amount of years.  I know selling drugs is not a good thing, but that could be someone’s last result. The economy is not that good to begin with so jobs are a dime in a dozen, especially good ones, so I do understand a person selling drugs to put food on the table.
               The groups of people who are prone to going for this crime are African-Americans and Hispanics. From this, I see that mandatory minimums affect a specific minority. This leaves a negative impact for my community; it also gives my community a bad reputation because people may think all we have is drug dealers roaming the streets.
               This affects the whole globe too. There are a lot of people serving time for crimes that are not that bad necessarily or for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. People have kids and it is ashamed that they won’t be there to see their children grow up, that’s not right. It doesn’t make sense for someone whose selling drugs to get a bigger sentence than someone who killed people.

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