Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Field Trip Recap

I had so much fun on the field trip that we took to ABC 7 News Channel 8 studios. I met three people that I never thought I’d meet in my life and it was a very exhilarating experience. While we were there, we got to see a lot of behind the scenes task that people do to contribute to the success of the show. There are so many small jobs that are important to making the show the best. Also, we got to see Larry Smith end the 12:00 noon show, and after that he gave us a very important speech about his travel to the top of his career. His mentor, who now works with him also talked to us about her accomplishments and her journey to the top of her career. She offered to be my mentor and I will be in touch with her soon. I had a very fun time at ABC 7 studios; I really want to go back.

After ABC 7, we went to Politico. Politico is a magazine company that keeps people up to date with the political events. While were there, we met Matt Worker. Matt is a political cartoonists and an amazing person and I loved all his stories. He told us about the inspiration that makes him create the cartoons he makes. He told us how he got involved with drawing political cartoons and who he looked up to when he was younger. I really loved his style of drawing; the fact that he can create something like that every day is unbelievable. We also met someone named Beatrice who handles videos and digital art; I wasn’t really intrigued with her job because I live in the digital era. It was more interesting to see Matt’s work because he actually goes through a process to create what he does and it only takes him 6-8 hours, but it would take me like a week. Politico was my favorite part of the day, I really admire Matt and I hope I see him again.

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